Our Lady of Aberdeen

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Our Lady of Aberdeen Standing high on a pedestal in a side chapel of a Brussels church is one of Scotland's treasures, a statue of Our Lady and Child which was saved from destruction in Aberdeen during the Reformation. For sixty-five years, it was hidden until it was shipped to safety in the Low Countries. Despite her intention to keep the statue in the Royal Palace, the lnfanta of Spain, the Archduchess Isabella, was persuaded to place it in the newly built Augustinian church in Brussels. The statue remained in this church until 1796, when it was again removed for protection into private hands, this time to escape the ravages of the French Revolution. An Englishman, John Morris, safely restored it to the Augustinians in 1805 and it remained in their care as an object of devotion until 1814 when it was removed to the neighbouring Church of Our Lady of Finisterre. It is still venerated there as Our Lady of Good Success.Since the Restoration of the Scottish Hierarchy in 1878, devotion to Our Blessed Lady in Aberdeen, throughout the diocese, and further afield, has focused on copies of this ancient statue including the statue (left) which stands in the Chapel of Our Lady here at Saint Mary's Cathedral.

9th July is the day set aside in the Aberdeen diocese for the celebration of the feast of Our Lady of Aberdeen.

Prayer to Our Lady of Aberdeen

Our Lady of Aberdeen, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven, we thank you for your intercession on our behalf in the past. With renewed confidence we turn to you again, asking that you may through your Son, help to strengthen our faith and guide us in our resolve to carry out his will.

We commend to you our Holy Father, Pope Francis, and our Bishop,Hugh, and ask that you may look favourably upon their intentions.

We pray for all the needs of the Church; that you may bring about unity among men in the love of your Son.

Our Lady of Aberdeen, we pray for those who rule us, we pray for our neighbours, our families and ourselves that the peace of Christ may reign among us, always.

Our Lady of Aberdeen, Our Lady of Good Success, pray for us.

Pictures taken recently of the statue of Our lady of Aberdeen at the Church of Our Lady of Finisterre in Brussels.

Hymn to Our Lady of Aberdeen

Our Lady of Good Succour,
we raise our thoughts to thee,
where the Don flows down the valley
to greet the silver Dee.
Help us to foster bravely,
amid this beauteous scene,
a faith both deep and loving,
Our Lady of Aberdeen.

Our Lady of Good Succour,
in the country saints have trod
Saint John the brave Confessor
laid down his life for God;
with the zeal of great Columba
and Margaret, saint and queen,
inspire anew thy children,
Our Lady of Aberdeen.

Our Lady of Good Succour,
may the love of God enfold
our people, and surround them
with gifts of grace untold.
May a brighter dawn be breaking,
and a fairer hope be seen
for our city and our nation,
Our Lady of Aberdeen.

Our Lady of Good Succour,
once by this comely shore
men looked to thy protection
and favours would implore.
To serve thy Son still guide us,
O patroness serene;
for Scotland is thy kingdom,
Our Lady of Aberdeen.